Cie La vrille presents its show ‘La Pochtromorphose’.
This is the story of a clownish character who is not very comfortable in front of an audience. It’s only when the audience shows him how pleased they are that he gains ...

This is the story of a clownish character who is not very comfortable in front of an audience. It’s only when the audience shows him how pleased they are that he gains confidence. He’ll give it his all, right up to the end, right up to the accident. Then, realising the state he has put himself in out of need for recognition, he will have no choice but to
to stop and continue. That’s when the metamorphosis takes place. ‘La PochtroMorphose’ is a generous, funny, touching and impressive show in two parts, offering the audience the chance to witness the meeting of burlesque and contemporary art around the theme of metamorphosis. Clowning, absurdity and technical prowess give way to the poetry of dance movement and the beauty of gesture.
Guillaume Lamour has chosen to focus the second act of his show on balance and fluidity.


  • Toilets
  • Parking nearby


  • Accessible en poussette


Tuesday 11 February 2025 between 6 pm and 6.45 pm.


Min. age : 3 years


  • French

Welcoming people with disabilities

  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
  • Reserved space 330 cm wide < 100 m from the site
  • Possibility of drop-off in front of the site

Pets welcome

Pets : Not accepted.


Free of charge.

How to find us

Circus show